Oh Me Oh My

Monday, December 05, 2005

To My Homies and Associates

Hey Guys. Since my blog's readership is primarily buddies of mine and a handful of angry robot enthusiasts, I have decided to compile a list of all the blogs kept by my friends. Everyone's website had a few scattered here and there but now you can come to one source to link to all these wonderful people. From the wonderfully artistic: Kamilla, Jay-Loo, Claudia I envy you, to the reflective: Earl, Janey, Luis, to the entirely random: Darek, Mel, Kevin. There is something for everyone.

So go ahead, scroll down and get to know your friends or a complete stranger a little better...through an unfeeling screen, in the infinite void of cyberspace.


At 8:34 p.m., Blogger Darek/Darciu/Dariusz said...

yay, im random


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