Like Carnival in Your Nose

Let me put this in context. I was watching a Brazilian soap and the conversation was brilliant. It was a serious discussion but they said cocaina so many times it was hilarious. The following has been translated from the original Portuguese:
Maria: Sofia's husband has been selling cocaina to make ends meet!
Rosinha: Cocaina! Dear God, does she know about the cocaina yet?
Maria: Ricardo has kept his cocaina dealing secret, but with something as big as selling cocaina she will find out sooner than later.
Rosinha: Sofia is my sister and I feel that she should know about Ricardo's involvement in the cocaina world.....cocaina.
Maria: Why did you say cocaina twice just there? cocaina.
Rosinha: You just did it said cocaina, cocaina...I mean Maria...I mean cocaina.
Sofia (who has just walked in): What's this about cocaina?
*worried expressions all around...Rosinha is about to speak, divulging the dark secret to her sister when suddenly...*
Announcer: **HEY EVERYBODY it's cocaina time!!**
*The chiquita banana woman and a giant bag of smack come out of nowhere and start salsa dancing with the sisters*
Well that last part didn't happen but it would have made it a lot cooler.
P.S. I don't endorse the use of drugs, especially cocaine...mainly because Trainspotting scared the shit out of me.
_-_----**** The More You Know _-_-_---
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