Oh Me Oh My

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mariah Christmas and a Happy New Year

“O Holy Night” is by far my favourite religious Christmas carol. You can’t beat “Carol of the Bells” if you have a choir, and if you’re going to go secular, “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” gives you that sweet cocoa in front a fireplace sense of false memory. Actually in my case it brings back the memory of singing it with my grade 4 class for the Christmas Pageant and falling off the back row stage (and taking Katrina Mihanovic with me)…good times.

As far as newer Christmas carols go though, the pickings are mostly slim. There’s the occasional cover that’s pretty good but originals like “Jingle Bell Rock” and “Felice Navidad” (the elevator music version) are the devil! But then there is that fantastic exception; in my opinion, the closest thing we have a to a classic modern Christmas carol: Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You”. Who doesn’t like this song!? I’ll tell you who, people with tiny hearts and no spirit.

How can you hate an up-tempo Christmas song that asks, nay, demands you sing along to it…perhaps into your electric toothbrush? You can dance to it, you can jump around like an idiot to it, you can frolic in the snow to it, and if you’re like Mariah you can seduce a dude in a Santa costume to it.


At 6:52 p.m., Blogger Darek/Darciu/Dariusz said...

My all time favourite christmas carol is "O Come O Come Emmanuel" but I cannot find a good version of the song online ANYWHERE.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by the Barenaked Ladies ft. Sarah McLachlan is amazing - if you don't gasp or feel anything while Sarah McLachlan sings "Hallelujah, HALLELUJAH!" you are a soulless monster that deserves a long and tortourous death!

Merry Christmas ya'll!!!!

At 9:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too love that song, but I'm all about "Baby It's Cold Outside," and only the version by Lou Rawls and Diane Reeves. And in response to adge, my favourite 'O Holy Night' is Tevin Campbells - he had a gospel choir too

At 12:28 p.m., Blogger Earl Falco said...

Baby It's Cold Outside is my favorite as well the harry connick jr. and the ray charles versions are pretty good. But nothing beats the 3 Deep Christmas compilation :P

At 6:21 a.m., Blogger Crystal said...

ahhhh Christmas spirit. I tell ya, I'm missing the Christmas season, crappy carols and all - however, much to my dismay - I was out the other day and heard Felice Navidad. Gosh, even in a buddhist country I'm stalked by that horrendous tune.

Christmas in Bangkok is lightbulb and wire trees with rotating VISA stars at the top.

At 2:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is quite the song Jamie. How about Sleigh Ride? It's soo FUN you know the GAP commercials(Y). I also like Baby, its cold outside, weird i don't think i've ever really heard that song before Elf annnd what about 98Degress?! This Gift? If everyday could be christmas? OR Chestnuts Rooasting on an Openn fire....umm Winter Wonderland (Y)
Christmas songs...sigh soo niice.
*hugs* jamie :D

At 3:24 p.m., Blogger Jason Loo said...

I probably don't like Mariah's "All I want for Christmas is You" because of my tiny heart.
That explains why I like "That was the worst Christmas ever" by Sufjan Stevens....and that one by Paul McCartney and Wings.


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